Sunday, September 11, 2011

Today, 11 September 2011

Today's memorials draw a very stark comparison between how much we in the the United States, a Christian nation, revere life and how much the radical muslims hate it.

Today, we watch specials and see pictures of 9-11-01 and correctly take time to honor our soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines who continue to protect us daily.  Our collective chests swell with pride at the strength and  courage of our military personnel.  They come from every corner of our country - they are college graduates, earner's of GEDs, doctors, teachers, blue collar workers, Democrats, Republicans, atheists, Jews, Christians, and everything in between.  They ALL have one thing in common - they have character.

The civilians who went to work that day are the reason our military does what it does.  We civilians take for granted what they give their lives to ensure we CAN take for granted.  Were it not for these warriors, we would live in constant fear and intimidation.  Take time to thank them and their families everyday, but especially, today, 11 September 2011

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