Thursday, October 6, 2011

And so here I sit...

I'm in the corner of the Barnes and Noble bookstore here in my town, waiting for my group of history geeks with whom I meet on a monthly basis.  We've been asked to move our meeting to a different night - why?  Because the "writers" group is unhappy that some other group as presumed to take any of their chairs and tables.  I know - it sounds a lot like preschool because that's exactly what it's like - preschool behavior.

We are a history book discussion group - we read books of history and discuss them from soup to nuts; from the content to the writing style.  One would assume that they, being a group of writers, wouldn't mind having a group discussing what is engaging about a literary work right next to them, giving them obvious real world information, but that is, unfortunately, not the case.  You see, these benighted folks are so entirely consumed with their own ability to write, they couldn't give a tinker's damn about what ACTUALLY gets published and read if THEY haven't written it.

My grousing is actually a bit more involved than in regards to their abilities - I'm actually chuckling at the self-absorption of most of the "writers".  They are almost all liberals.  They continually pontificate about "compassion" in their discussion of content.  They rail about selfish and evil conservatives and how those conservatives see the world and it's resources as something to be used only for the gain of the selfish conservative.  They scoff and mock Christianity and Christians as simple minded rubes who are in no way as intelligent and compassionate as they, who have this gift from the "universe" - the ability to communicate on paper.  They, you see, are writers....

So, one evening, when we, the book READER group, actually thought to come within earshot of their group, they pitched a tantrum.  I'm not kidding - three of them went to the store manager to complain that we "took" one of their chairs that they needed for their group - naturally I mocked them and made our next meeting for the same night the next month.  Management asked me kindly to consider moving to another night to avoid "disturbing" this "writers" group - we agreed, no prob.  But I have to observe how ironic it is that we book readers, sitting in a book store, are being asked to make way for a group of self-described "writers" who have never published anything that anyone in any bookstore anywhere has ever read.  And that brings me to this evening.

They have arrived.  They are talking loudly.  They are taking chairs from other tables.  People are moving to avoid them.  Customers are leaving to avoid them.  I naturally see a parallel in society much like the "Occupy Wall Street" crowd - the people who actually READ books don't want anything to do with the amateurish "writers" who think they have the ability to write.  They are useless self-absorbed narcissists who force actual readers to make way for pretenders ... much like the left who pushes producers out of their way so they can protest the fact that they actually have nothing to protest.

meow for now.  kat

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